Lyorn Records

Given her (and her family's) twin occupations (trapping and banditry) it would follow that Tsira is likely a Chreotha, although this is never overtly stated.

If this is the case, it may be that we can identify the House Colors of Chreotha from the Red and Yellow beads on her Darrskin boots? This may be making a lot from way too little evidence, but that's why it's called speculation.

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Following the release of Vallista (book), it seems likely that Tsira's red and yellow beads could indicate she is a member of that House, not Chreotha.  Although House Vallista is usually associated with architecture, Tsira's profession as a trapper and furrier would be compatible with its themes of destruction and creation.  Tsira kills and skins fur-bearing animals (destruction), then re-makes their pelts into garments which, in the scene where Piro's band visits the dry goods shop, are described as well-made and beautiful (creation). Also, the wild vallista is a builder of fish-traps.
